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About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Step

Our Philosophy of Wellness


The Oxford York Cancer Circle’s philosophy is based on that life is worth to be lived and is worth living whatever the capacity or incapacity once you are seeking or making the choice to put more living in your life. OYCC is there to support you in your life experience and to develop the proper self-help resources to move forward. Life is not necessary to be looked upon as being easy; but it is through the acceptance of life that the answers of too many questions will be heard and solutions will be found, and chosen. Stress and disease can lead one to forget how life is worthwhile but we can learn how to tame the disease and live with it.

Dr. York continues to live with the long-term effects that chemotherapy, radiation and the disease itself have on the triadof body, mind and spirit. His experience with cancer has further enhanced his understanding on how to maintain balance and overall wellness. This philosophy also allowed him to link his disease to strategies used in principles and practices of traditional martial arts study, such as balance, body posture to be centered and balanced, managing body movement, repetition, your space, respect, awareness, etc.

 For OYCC’s team, spirituality should not be confused with religious or cultural system; spirituality is independent of any creed, religion or dogma. Instead, spirituality is understood as the status or condition of being human. Reconnect with yourself can recognize its true nature and to learn to trust each other. A spiritual experience is based on the feeling of connection: the body is connected to the mind, which are related to the energy around you (Ki, the life energy). In addition, it is when feeling at peace with who we are. It is when one is able to accept what life gives and to see the positive in the worst. This is when we recognize that we are still alive and we know we have the power to make changes.

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